
Thursday, April 01, 2010

1st of the Month Post 

Happy 6th year anniversary to me and this blog.
I started the MWNM Anime Corner blog to talk about anime, games and anything else that interested me. I also wanted learn more about coding and get some practice. Now 6 years later I am a professional programmer and have seen/read just under 1000 anime/manga series. I still remember the AMV that got me interested in anime, Trigun and Hellsing set to X by SOAD.

Also, any Final Fantasy fans should defiantly pick up Final Fantasy XIII. There are a lot of reviews out there complaining about it being a very simplified Final Fantasy but if you like FF stories then you will like FF XIII.

If anyone still reads this blog, thanks and I hope the next 6 years will bring more anime and fun.


PS. Xbox 360 finally "Fixed" (Its louder then my original Xbox)

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